Kona Memories

Monday, March 31, 2008

Spring Break was fun

Here are some pics of the cousins from Easter Weekend - that was fun. Thanks for hosting, Patti.

The Wii tournament was hilarious - James is quite the boxer, I think.

It's so quiet now ... the girls are back in school, Jon left for home yesterday morning with his Kelowna aunt and uncle - it was quite the drive clear across Calgary to meet Barry and Verlyn with 5 cm of fresh snow covering the roads! And we got even more snow last night.

Maybe Meg - my nephew Jeremy's wife - was praying for snow as they arrived from Australia yesterday...so Zeke could see it for the first time. We met them at the airport and they looked fairly exhausted after an 18 hour or so flight. It was pretty exciting to see this little guy (and his mom and dad) in person!

We had a fun week - Jon made pro Wii Bowler by the end of the week, not so much as a tennis player! We saw National Treasure 2, Jon and Cam made quite a stir at the hockey game Tuesday, we hit the zoo, zipped up to Peters Drive In, Cam and Jon again hit the arena on Friday, this time for the Hitmen. And the two of them got some disc golf in before the white stuff arrived.

Rapt attention to the game. We thought Jon would learn from his Flames game experience that it is perilous to wear a blue jersey to a red game. He boldly persisted. That's loyalty!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Watch out Jon

The evening started out well, until Jon put on his new Canucks sweater. The Canucks roared to a 2-0 lead, after the first period. Then the Flames took over the next two periods and won 3-2. Jon got along well with some of the fans, but some did not appreciate him so much.

Jon and Cam's excellent Hockey adventure

And so it begins!

Work has begun... on this summer's 50th anniversary shindig. We began at Patti's - and demonstrated that this crew works and plays well together. So planning a party for the parents should be a piece of cake, right? We say right. We've had a meeting, took notes, laughed, looked at old pictures - we're ready to dig in. You can ask your questions, post your comments, submit ideas, share pictures - it's all good. Here's the blog, baby. Have at it.